The Community Preservation Committee (CPC) evaluates and recommends to Town Meeting grants, funded by the Community Preservation Act (CPA), for historic preservation, open space, recreation, and community housing projects. Applying for a CPA grant is simple and open to any group or organization with a project that aligns with the CPA's purposes. Information about the CPA in Shutesbury and applying for funding from the CPC is provided in the Shutesbury Community Preservation Plan.
The CPC typically meets on the third Thursday of each month from September to May or June. For upcoming meeting notices please visit the Town Calendar. All meetings are currently being held virtually.
All CPC meetings are open to the public and everyone is always welcome.
The CPC's remaining schedule for FY2025 is:
- September 19, 2024: Public hearing about Community Preservation Plan
- October 17, 2024: Meeting to update Community Preservation Plan, Determination of Eligibility (DoE) form, and Grant Application form
- November 21, 2024: Meeting to address questions from potential DoE submitters
- December 5, 2024: Deadline for DoEs (sent by mail and email)
- December 19, 2024: Deadline to discuss and vote on DoEs
- January 16, 2025: Meeting address questions from potential applicants
- February 6, 2025: Deadline for Grant Applications (sent by mail and email)
- February 20, 2025: Meeting to ask questions of applicants
- March 6, 2025: Tentative meeting to ask further questions of applicants
- March 20, 2025: Meeting to discuss and vote on applications
- April 3, 2025: Meeting draft and vote on warrant articles
- May 15, 2025: Meeting to draft and vote on grant agreements and FY26 calendar