Special Town Meeting January 19 2023

Special Town Meeting

January 19, 2023

Shutesbury Elementary School, 23 West Pelham Rd

Starts at 6pm


Town Meeting Minutes - click here to read

Warrant - click here to view in full

A Town Meeting Warrant is a document that tells you when a Town Meeting will take place, where it will be, and also what is going to be discussed and voted on. 


Read about the West Quabbin Woodlands Conservation Project, which is the subject of Articles 1 and 2

Report from the Planning Board to Town Meeting regarding :

(1) Zoning Use Table Addition Relative To Energy Storage Systems
(2) Proposed Replacement Zoning Bylaw for Ground-Mounted Solar Electric Installations


Voter Registration

Deadline to register to vote in time for Special Town Meeting: Monday January 9 2023, no later than 5pm (The Town Clerk Office will be open on Monday 1/9 from 3pm to 5pm)

Check your current voter registration status, register to vote online or update your voter information HERE.

Paper copies of the voter registration application are available in English, Spanish and Chinese at the Town Clerk Office. 


Town Meeting Resources


New to Town Meetings? Need a refresher on the different kinds of articles? Forgot how to make a motion? Here are some resources to help you navigate the wonderful world of Shutesbury Town Meetings. 


Read about past Town Meetings on the main Shutesbury Town Meeting webpage


"Welcome to the Town of Shutesbury's Annual Town Meeting" by former Shutesbury Moderator Penelope Kim, updated Spring 2020


A Citizen's Guide to Town Meeting published by the Secretary of the Commonwealth Office


"The Town Meeting Process" a 6 minute video summary created by the Massachusetts Moderator's Association


Image of Shutesbury Town Hall