Solar Project Proposals - Information and Resources

The purpose of this page is to provide the residents of Shutesbury with information about the solar project proposals currently under consideration. More resources may be added to this page as they become available. 


Letter from the Selectboard about the Solar Proposal from AMP published January 22, 2021

Town Bylaw in regards to Large Scale Ground-mounted Solar Electric Installations passed by Annual Town Meeting on June 27, 2020

Letter from the Office of the Attorney General upon reviewing the Large Scale Ground-mounted Solar Electric Installations bylaw (above) received November 4th 2020 (note: all bylaws are submitted to the Attorney General's Office for review as a matter of standard procedure) 

Powerpoint Presentation from AMP titled Prospective Municipal Partnership for Shutesbury Solar Initiative presented at a public meeting of the Selectboard on March 1, 2021 (see Zoom recording linked below)

Report to Shutesbury Planning Board regarding DOER call on Public Entity Status submitted by Michael DeChiara, March 24, 2021


If you have any trouble viewing a recording, please contact the Town Clerk at


Recording of March 1st Selectboard meeting  called to order at 00:07:13. AMP presentation begins at 00:25:07
Passcode: u!z9Vyna

Recording of March 4th Selectboard meeting  called to order at 00:06:06
Passcode: q@bivV8T

Recording of April 5th joint meeting of Selectboard, Planning Board and Historical Commission
Passcode: mT1i*wS=

Recording of April 27 Selectboard meeting
Passcode: pqk4=4hh

Recording of May 19 Public Forum about Municipal Solar Policies and State SMART Program
Discussion begins at 01:38:10
Passcode: $#RaPt9l

Presentation Slides
On May 19 the Selectboard hosted Dr Zara Dowling for a discussion moderated by Town Moderator Paul Lyons to provide the public with information and context about municipal policies regarding solar development in our region and about the state SMART Program.



MyTownGovernment - Shutesbury 

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"Proposed combined solar projects in Shutesbury possibly state's largest"

Daily Hampshire Gazette article about the solar project proposals. Written by Scott Merzbach, published on March 11th 2021

Analysis of the potential financial impact in Town written by Administrative Assessor Kevin Rudden on March 15 2021

Shutesbury Historical Commission's review of impacted sites.