Special Town Meeting January 23 2024

Special Town Meeting

NEW: January 23 2024

Starting at 6pm

Doors open at 5:30pmImage of the Official Town Seal of Shutesbury. Pine trees rising over a cliff above a lake.

At the Shutesbury Elementary School 

23 West Pelham rd



This Special Town Meeting has been postponed due to snow. Special Town Meeting, originally scheduled for 1/16/24, will happen on Tuesday, January 23 2024, at the Shutesbury Elementary School at 6pm.

Click here to view the official notice

Town Meeting Warrant


The Town Meeting Warrant is the agenda for the meeting. Read this to find out what we are voting on at Special Town Meeting.


Town Meeting Minutes

All 7 articles were passed by Town Meeting. 




Voter Registration

To vote at the Special Town Meeting on January 16, you must be a registered Shutesbury voter at least 10 days prior. The deadline to register to vote is Saturday, January 6, by 5pm.


You can update your voter registration information online, or check your current voter registration status, at this link. 

You can also register to vote at the Town Clerk Office. 




Q: How do I find out what we are voting on at Special Town Meeting?

A: By reading the Town Meeting Warrant. The warrant covers everything we will be voting on. Once the final version is approved by the Selectboard, the warrant will be posted online and at several locations around town. 


Q: Can I vote remotely/absentee for Special Town Meeting?

A: No. In Massachusetts, remote and absentee voting are not allowed for Open Town Meetings. 


Q: How do I check if I am currently registered to vote in Shutesbury?

B: The easiest way is to look up your current voter registration information on the Secretary of the Commonwealth's webpage. Click here to go there. 



Town Meeting Resources


New to Town Meetings? Need a refresher on the different kinds of articles? Forgot how to make a motion? Here are some resources to help you navigate the wonderful world of Shutesbury Town Meetings. 


Read about past Town Meetings on the main Shutesbury Town Meeting webpage


"Welcome to the Town of Shutesbury's Annual Town Meeting" by former Shutesbury Moderator Penelope Kim, updated Spring 2020


A Citizen's Guide to Town Meeting published by the Secretary of the Commonwealth Office


"The Town Meeting Process" a 6 minute video summary created by the Massachusetts Moderator's Association