November 8 2022 General Election

November 8 2022

State Election


Sample Ballot

Where: At Town Hall, 1 Cooleyville rd, downstairs

Early Voting: October 22 thru November 4

Monday thru Friday: 3pm to 5pm

Saturdays: 1pm to 5pm

Sundays: CLOSED

Election Day: November 8, 7am to 8pm

An image of the internal mechanism inside the wooden ballot box that the Town of Shutesbury has been using since 1934

↑ That's our ballot box ↑

Source: Lane Turner, Boston Globe, 2022


Voter Registration


Click here to check your current voter registration status online


Click here to register to vote online


Paper voter registration forms are available at Town Hall, on the desk outside the Town Clerk Office door.

The deadline to register to vote in time for the November Election is October 29 2022.



Vote By Mail

Any registered Massachusetts voter can Vote By Mail, no excuse needed! Submit an application, receive a ballot in the mail, mark your votes in the comfort of your own home (or wherever you like to do your voting) and return it to the Town Clerk via mail or dropbox.

There are paper applications available at Town Hall, the Post Office and the Library.

Download and print a VbM application

You can mail your application to the Town Clerk Office, put it in the dropbox outside Town Hall, or scan it or take a picture of it and email the image to the Town Clerk. 

Shutesbury ballots began to be mailed out on Tuesday, October 11th. If you requested a mail ballot and have not received it by Thursday, October 20th, please contact the Town Clerk.

The deadline to apply for VbM is by 5pm on November 1st.



Early Voting

In person Early Voting will happen at Town Hall from October 22nd thru November 4th.



Saturday October 22: 1pm to 5pm

Sunday October 23: CLOSED

Monday October 24: 3pm to 5pm

Tuesday October 25: 3pm to 5pm

Wednesday October 26: 3pm to 5pm

Thursday October 27: 3pm to 5pm

Friday October 28: 3pm to 5pm

Saturday October 29: 1pm to 5pm

Sunday October 30: CLOSED

Monday October 31: 3pm to 5pm (also Happy Halloween!)

Tuesday November 1: 3pm to 5pm

Wednesday November 2: 3pm to 5pm

Thursday November 3: 3pm to 5pm

Friday November 4: 3pm to 5pm


Election Day

Tuesday, November 8

Polls open at 7am and close at 8pm


Are you a Shutesbury voter who is going to be out of the country during the General Election, and you still want to vote? No problem!

Military and overseas voters can vote by mail or email, yes! even email!, by filling out and submitting this application to the Town Clerk.