Dam Management Committee & Board of Selectmen December 19, 2007 Meeting Minutes Dam Management Committee Members present: Chairman Robert “Bob” Thompson, Leverett representative Richard Brazeau, Gate and Dam Keeper Howard Kinder, Paul Lyons and Fire Chief and Emergency Management Director (EMD) Walter Tibbetts. Select Board members present: Chairman Becky Torres, Ralph Armstrong and as a resident, not as a member of the Board of Selectmen because she is an abutter to the Lake Debra Pichanick. Also Present: Town Administrator David Dann, and Administrative Secretary Leslie Bracebridge. Meeting opened at 7:11 P.M. Updates/Announcements: This is the final review of the Emergency Action Plan (EAP.) Changes will be sent to Morris Root and then to the Office of Dam Safety (ODS). Old Business: * Review EAP Plan: The Committee reviewed the EAP page by page. o EMD Tibbetts will incorporate the recommended changes. o Paul Lyons will convert the Flood Emergency Procedure to a flow chart and email it to Emergency Management Director Walter Tibbetts tomorrow. o Leverett will have their own Public Information Officer – Town Administrator Margie McGinnis o A Dam Management Committee meeting will be devoted to reviewing the EAP each year. o Any ConnectCTY™ message to the public will include an idea of when the next update will occur. o Leverett will need 4 additional copies of the Emergency Action Plans for the Fire & Police Chief’s, Emergency Management Director, and Leverett Town Hall. o EMD Tibbetts will offer Montague a paper copy an electronic copy or both. Action Steps: 1. Emergency Management Director Tibbetts will work on the narrative and email it by Tuesday, December 26 in the morning to Morris Root and to members of the Dam Management Committee. (Town Administrator David Dann will get the complete email list to EMD Tibbetts for this purpose.) 2. Morris Root will put it altogether, add a cover letter and send it to the Office of Dam Safety (ODS). 3. The signatory page from Leverett will be delivered to David Dann from Leverett. 4. The signatory page from Shutesbury will be signed by Select Board Chairman, the Gate and Dam Keeper, and Emergency Director. Paul Lyons will check on required signatures. 5. EMD Tibbetts will contact Montague for a signature. 6. David will contact Davenport Construction for availability of equipment, material and personnel resources. * Review of Funding Letters to Legislators: o The letters are polite; stronger letters will follow. The current letter will politely ask for an update of the legislators’ latest progress. * Role of Dam Management Committee: o The Lake Wyola Advisory Committee and the Dam Management Committee will meet separately to make future meetings more productive. o The next Dam Management Committee meeting will be convened when there is feedback from the ODS on the EAP and or when it is time to review the bid documents for the repairs. The next meeting will be at the town hall probably in February 2008. Adjourned at 9:30 PM Respectfully submitted, Leslie Bracebridge Administrative Secretary 071219 Dam Management Committee 1