Town of Shutesbury Annual Town Meeting May 6, 2006 At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Shutesbury qualified to vote in elections and town affairs held at the Shutesbury Elementary School at one 23 West Pelham Road on the sixth day of May 2006 in the presence of a quorum, the following business was conducted. The meeting was called to order at 9:08 A.M. with Town Moderator Michael Bloomfield presiding. He identified emergency exits and announced the hours of the annual town election, trash bag distribution and Bulky Waste Day. Moderator Bloomfield announced that he anticipates moving in the fall, making this his last annual town meeting. Selectman Joseph Jacobs: Explained Select Board Chairman Rebecca Torres’ absence due to her attendance at son’s college graduation in Florida. Article 1. A motion was made and seconded and unanimously voted that the Town accept the annual report for the year ending June 30, 2005, as written, and accept oral reports from town officers, committees and boards as follows: Moderator Bloomfield: Asked that oral reports be succinct. Town Clerk and Web Committee member Leslie Bracebridge invited speakers to also post department reports on the town web site: Chairman William Elliott described the Board of Health’s role in emergency response planning: * To assist the community in the event of an Avian Flu pandemic. * To assist Fire Chief and Emergency Management Director Walter Tibbetts in his efforts. * To develop the most effective resident emergency notification system. Current thinking includes door-to-door notification of each resident in the event of an emergency. The Board of Health invites residents to think about what they need emergency workers to know and how residents might be available to help in the event of an emergency. Chairman William Elliott described the Lake Wyola Advisory Committee’s role in: * Monitoring water quality at Lake Wyola using a different test than the state park uses, and therefore why the lake may be open generally for swimming, even when the park is closed. * Getting a waste water treatment facility at the lake. The Franklin Regional Council of Governments has selected Lake Wyola and a location in Colrain for a pilot project. * Monitoring migratory birds, as geese can carry avian flu. Buildings Committee Chairman Dale Houle reviewed efforts to make existing buildings work into the future so the town won’t have to build new buildings: * Recent projects: New roofs on the Fire Station and the old Town Hall and structural repairs on the elementary school gym roof. Participation and support with the design phase of the Library Access project. * Upcoming projects: Paint front entrance area of Town Hall, the Fire Station and the old Town Hall and add insulation to buildings to cut down on oil use. "Re-skin" the Highway Garage and add two small additions for storage to be in keeping with Department of Environmental Protection regulations. Energy Committee Chairman Mark Tuominen said Shutesbury: * Is taking a proactive role in climate protection. * Had an "overwhelming" residential sign-up through utilities for use of green energy in the "Green-up", "Green-Start" and "Clean Energy Choice" programs for renewable energy. * Has already generated $15,000 in matching funds from the renewable energy programs for the town for use toward: 1. Renewable energy education, 2. Energy audits on town buildings, 3. A solar array on a south facing roof of the elementary school, and 4. The possible installation of a wind tower on town property. There will be an open discussion of the complexities of wind energy at the Tuesday, May 16 Select Board meeting. * Energy education and various energy conservation programs including tax breaks are available to residents and towns. * The Committee wants to educate children about energy conservation and renewable energy. * The Committee hasn’t gotten to transportation yet. * The Committee welcomes citizen input. Chairman Deacon Bonnar said the Planning Board: * Is working on a comprehensive revision of the zoning bylaws, * Is recommending a rate of development cap bylaw to be in effect through 2007, for this town meeting to approve. * Will be meeting with community groups over the summer to introduce the revisions. * Meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays and invites public input. * Has a staffed information table with handouts available at this meeting for citizens wanting to know more about the proposed zoning revisions. Regional School Committee Chairman Marianne Jorgensen touched: * Long-range planning and goals for the region schools. * University and college partnerships with the high school, * Development of a databank of Student achievement, * Student support for victims of hurricane Katrina. * Review of school policies, * School nutrition, * Revised district website, * Staff development, * Renewed energy of the Amherst Education Alliance, and * New staffing: Business Manager, Operations Director, and Middle School Principal. Article 2. A motion was made and seconded that the Town vote to approve the appointment pursuant to Massachusetts General Law Chapter 268A, Section 21A of Gary Dihlmann as a Cemetery groundskeeper while also serving as an elected official on the Cemetery Commission. Passed unanimously. Article 3. A motion was made and seconded that the Town vote to approve the appointment pursuant to Massachusetts General Law Chapter 268A, Section 21A of Catherine Hilton as a Board of Health administrative consultant while also serving as an elected official on the Board of Health. Passed unanimously Article 4. A motion was made and seconded that the Town accept the Longevity Pay Bonus to non-school employees. The bonus would be applied at five-year intervals with increasing amounts: Year 5-$300, Year 10-$500, Year 15-$750, Year 20-$1,000, Year 25-$1,500. Bonus applies to employees who work 20 hours or more per week. Part time employees will receive one half of the amount. Passed unanimously. Article 5. A motion was made and seconded that the Town vote to accept and expend funds available from the State for Highway reimbursement programs, such as the Chapter 90 program, without further appropriation. Passed unanimously. Article 6. A motion was made and seconded that the Town vote to set the salary compensation for all elected officials of the town (Select Board, Town Clerk, Moderator and Constable) as provided by MGL Chapter 41, Section 108, to be made effective from July 1, 2006, as contained in the budget. Passed unanimously. Article 7. A motion was made and seconded to adopt the following amendment to the zoning bylaws of the Town of Shutesbury in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 40A, Section 5, to replace the "Rate of Development" bylaw with a revised "Rate of Development" bylaw which will limit permits to eight dwelling units per year for the calendar years 2006 and 2007 and add clarifying language with respect to accessory apartments and affordable housing. Passed unanimously. Article 8. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously voted that the Town vote to authorize the revolving funds included in the following chart, for certain town departments under Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 44, Section 53E1/2 for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2006. Article 9. A motion was made and seconded that the Town vote to authorize the treasurer, with the approval of the Select Board, to borrow money from time to time in anticipation of revenues for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2006 in accordance with the Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 44, Section 4 and to issue a note or notes therefore, payable within one year, to renew any note or notes as may be given for a period of less than one year in accordance with the provisions of the Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 44, Section 17. Passed unanimously. Article 10. A motion was made and seconded that the Town vote to allow the Select Board to apply for, accept and expend state, federal and other grants, which do not require a town appropriation. Passed unanimously. Article 11. A motion was made and seconded that the Town vote to transfer all funds generated in FY2006 by Chapter 61 forest product tax, to the Conservation Trust Fund. Passed unanimously. Article 12. A motion was made and seconded that the Town vote to authorize the Select Board to appoint a committee to organize the 250th Anniversary Celebration of the Incorporation of the Town of Shutesbury to take place in 2011. Passed unanimously. Article 13. A motion was made and seconded that the Town vote to name the Lake Wyola Dam the Raymond "Red" Moriarty Dam at Lake Wyola. Passed unanimously. Article 14. A motion was made and seconded to instruct the Select Board to seek state legislation calling for an increase in our state income tax to 6% in order to help pay for state services and increase local aid to municipalities. A motion was made and seconded to amend the motion to read "to instruct the Select Board to seek state legislation calling for an increase in our state income tax to 6%, with any increased revenues, above current income tax levels to be earmarked for municipal services and public education." Amendment passed in the majority. Amended Article 14 passed unanimously. Article 15. A motion was made and seconded that the Town vote to support the Resolution Concerning Genetically Engineered Crops as written: RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF SHUTESBURY CONCERNING GENETICALLY ENGINEERED CROPS WHEREAS, the people of Shutesbury are concerned about the long-term health of our environment and of our local farms and farmers; WHEREAS, genetically engineered (GE) crops have not been proven safe for humans or for the ecosystems with which they interact; WHEREAS GE crops have been found to contaminate other crops and local flora through cross-pollination, causing unintended and unknown changes to their biology; WHEREAS GE crops and products containing them are strictly regulated in more than thirty countries; WHEREAS citizens throughout the United States are taking steps to address their concerns about GE crops in response to the failure of Congress and federal agencies to adequately address the issue; the residents of Shutesbury hereby resolve: 1. To call upon our state and federal governments, including the Massachusetts legislature, the U.S. Congress, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Food and Drug Administration, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture to: a) Support the mandatory labeling of all genetically engineered foods and seeds b) Support the full assignment of liability to the commercial developers of genetically engineered foods and crops c) Enact a moratorium on further growing of genetically engineered crops until there is credible and independent scientific evidence that these products are not harmful to our health or our environment. 2. Agree that the Town Clerk shall send copies of this article to the elected representatives for this town, including Massachusetts State Senator Stanley C. Rosenberg and State Representative Stephen Kulick, Governor Mitt Romney, The Commissioner of the Department of Food and Agriculture, and our Congressional Representative John W. Olver and United States Senators John F. Kerry and Edward M. Kennedy. Passed unanimously Article 16. A motion was made and seconded that the Town vote to approve an amendment to the Amherst-Pelham Regional School District Agreement which shall enable the realignment of annual assessments to be consistent with said Agreement while supporting the strongest possible Regional budget, such that the Towns of Leverett and Shutesbury will each make a transitional contribution of $62,000 in addition to the assessments determined for each member town by Section VI of the Regional Agreement ("per-pupil method"), such an amount to offset the assessment to the Town of Amherst, which amendment shall apply to Fiscal Year 2007 only. Passed unanimously. Article 17. A motion was made and seconded that the Town authorize the Treasurer with the approval of the Select Board to borrow $115,000 for the purchase of a new Highway Dump Truck. Passed unanimously. Article 18. A motion was made and seconded that the Town authorize the Treasurer with the approval of the Select Board to borrow $75,000 for the handicap accessibility project at the M. N. Spear Memorial Library. Passed unanimously. Article 19. A motion was made and seconded that the Town vote to use a portion of the Town Common for the handicap accessibility project at the M. N. Spear Memorial Library and authorize the Select Board to take any and all action necessary to accomplish said use. The portion of the Town Common to be used for handicap accessibility is more particularly described as follows: an area of approximately 3,100 square feet, said area extending 50 feet west of the library wall and to a line approximately 108 feet north of Cooleyville Road. Yes - 64, No - 1. Article passed by the required 2/3 majority. Article 20. A motion was made and seconded that the Town vote to transfer $60,000 from free cash according to the Capital Planning Committee’s recommendation. Passed unanimously. Article 21. A motion was made and seconded that the Town vote to fund operating expenses of $5,089,802 by raising the sum of $4,930,664 and transferring from free cash the sum of $159,138 and appropriating said sums to meet town expenses including operations, salaries, school and capital expenses for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2006 (FY2007). Following discussion, a subsidiary motion was made and seconded that the Town vote to continue Town Meeting to a date certain, June 6, 2006 at 7 P. M. in order to vote to fund operating expenses of $5,089,802 by raising the sum of $4,930,664 and transferring from free cash the sum of $159,138 and appropriating said sums to meet town expenses including operations, salaries, school and capital expenses for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2006 (FY2007). Passed in the majority. The May 6, 2006 Annual Town Meeting was adjourned at 12 noon to a date certain: June 6, 2006 at 7 P.M. at the Shutesbury Elementary School. Respectfully submitted Town Seal Leslie Bracebridge Shutesbury Town Clerk A true copy. Attest: ______________________________ Town of Shutesbury Adjourned Session of Annual Town Meeting June 6, 2006 At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Shutesbury qualified to vote in elections and town affairs held at the Shutesbury Elementary School at one 23 West Pelham Road on the sixth day of June 2006 in the presence of a quorum, the following business was conducted. The meeting was called to order at 7:15 P.M. with Town Moderator Michael Bloomfield presiding. Announcements: * William Elliott urged that future Annual Town Meeting mailings not state that the Selectmen will propose postponing a segment of town meeting to a later date. * Planning Board Chairman Deacon Bonnar stated that information concerning future zoning bylaws was available for viewing at the back of the town meeting. Article 21: A motion was made and seconded that the town vote to raise the sum of $5,015,997 and transfer the sum of $13,805 from Septic Betterment collections, and appropriate said total of $5,029,802 to fund the cost of expenses, including operations, salaries and school expenses for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2007 as on the following pages 8, 9 and 10. Passed unanimously. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously voted to dissolve the town meeting at 8:15 P.M. Respectfully submitted Town Seal Leslie Bracebridge Shutesbury Town Clerk A true copy. Attest: ______________________________