Board of Selectmen December 5, 2006 Meeting Minutes Members present: Ralph Armstrong and Debra Pichanick. Also Present: Town Administrator David C. Dann, Planning Board Chairman Deacon Bonnar, Energy Committee member Larry Hunter, Building Committee member Dale Houle, and Administrative Secretary Leslie Bracebridge, recording. In the absence of Chairman Torres, Ralph opened the meeting at 5:30 P.M. At 5:35 P.M. a motion was made and seconded in accordance with Massachusetts General Law Chapter 39, Section 23B (MGL39:23B) to go into executive session for reason number 3 to discuss strategy with respect to litigation and to resume open meeting following the discussion. Pichanick - Yes, Armstrong - Yes. Selectmen resumed open meeting at 6:35 P.M. Chairman Torres joined the meeting. Select Board Action Items 2. Selectmen unanimously voted to appoint Tom Williams to serve on the Zoning Board of Appeals for a case posted for December 20, 2006 because a Zoning Board member has removed himself from this case. 3. Unanimously voted to appoint Gail Weiss as Town Accountant as recommended by the Town Accountant screening committee. David will call her to offer her the position. The next step will be the negotiation of her salary. the top range of what is advertised in the paper. 4. The Selectmen declined to discuss the Lemlin change order until more information is available. 5. Debra delivered a 2006 Stavros Access Awards plaque for the Town of Shutesbury that she received at an honorary reception. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously voted to adjourn at 7:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Leslie Bracebridge Administrative Secretary